Il reparto TonissiNAVAL è Channel Partner della Wabtec Corporation per la fornitura di motori marini e ricambi General Electric (GE Transportation).
Il nostro personale è addestrato e certificato per operare sull’intera gamma dei motori e dei sistemi di controllo EC2+ , Powerstar 2 , Powerstar 1
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As a global leader in emissions-reducing solutions, GE Transportation’s marine diesel engine meets US EPA
Tier 4 and IMO Tier III emission standards with advanced exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and without urea.
This breakthrough engine technology, first designed for our Class 1 rail customers, reduces key emissions by more than 70% without compromising fuel efficiency and maintenance intervals. With this in-engine, less complex to install, easy to operate solution, customers enjoy more valuable cargo, fuel, and accommodation space and avoid the hassle associated with planning for urea logistics replenishment and handling urea on board. Our solution offers proven reliability with over 1,000 Tier 4 locomotive and marine engines utilizing EGR already in operation.